Shea butter moist repair shampoo
        绿色 农场乳木果滋润修护洗发水性质温和,能深层滋润秀发与头皮,并让秀发充满活力,闪亮光 泽,抚平秀发纤维,保持头皮自然油份平衡。
          功能:特别添加乳木果及五种传统汉方草本养发精华(黑芝麻 、何首乌 、人参 、枸杞 、银杏),专业针对发质干燥,修护因烫发、染发等所导致的损伤,温和洁净头发的同时强健发根,并补充和锁住发丝内部水分,从发芯内部赋予秀发丝丝润泽。  
          Efficacies: Skin-care ingredients like shea butter and five kinds of traditional Chinese herbal hair-nourishing essence (black sesame, polygonum multiflorum, ginseng, Chinese wolfberry, and gingko) are especially added for dry hair and hair damaged by perming and dying; cleanse hair and strenghthen hair roots at the same time, supplement and lock water inside the hair and make hair smooth and moisturizing from the inner core of hair.
          Usage:Apply some to wet hair. Gently massage for 2-3 min. Rinse thoroughly.
          注意事项:如不慎入眼, 即刻用清水彻底冲洗。  
          Precautions : If in eyes, flush eyes with plenty of water immediately.